Performance Podiatry Partners


U.S. Women’s Soccer Team battles for equality, two Chicago doctors aim to get “Girls in the Game.”

CHICAGO --- With the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team fighting for pay equity for women players, two Chicago-based women doctors are doing their part to get “girls in the game.”

Drs. Julia Sinclair and Supna Reilly are taking a stand to create awareness about the Chicago-based nonprofit “Girls in the Game.” Since its founding in 1995, the organization has engaged more than 45,000 girls in sports, healthy lifestyle, and leadership programs, teaching them to become game changers on and off the field. 

“Like we’re seeing with the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team, women are demanding to be heard and treated fairly. As parents to young girls ourselves, this issue hits close to home for us. It takes courage and grit to fight for change and to achieve success. These are values we’re striving to instill in our girls, the next generation of leaders,” Dr. Julia Sinclair said.

“By supporting Girls in the Game, we are aiming to level the playing field. Through engaging in sports, girls are not only more physically fit and healthy, but they are empowered as individuals. We believe every girl should have the opportunity to discover her inner strength, and we’re dedicated to giving them that chance,” Dr. Supna Reilly said.

For Reilly and Sinclair, getting involved in sports as children helped them recognize their drives and understand the importance of teamwork. In 2017, the pair launched their own practice in Lincoln Square, Performance Podiatry Partners, which is 100 percent women owned. On July 19, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Performance Podiatry is hosting a Girls in the Game fundraiser, with live music, food, drinks, and a silent auction. Tickets are $50 and can be purchased on Performance Podiatry’s Facebook page (@PerformancePodiatryChicago), by phone 312-579-3150, email, or All proceeds will benefit Girls in the Game. 

Ten years of research from Loyola University Chicago has shown the impact of Girls in the Game programs, which have expanded from Chicago to Baltimore, Bloomington and North Texas. In 2017, the After School and Teen Squad Programs resulted in 69 percent of girls demonstrating higher levels of grit and 89 percent self identifying as leaders. For more information on Girls in the Game, visit